Location: Baja California
Advised Area: 65 sqft
Service: Universal Accessibility Consulting

Universal accessibility

  • Accessible boat entry
  • Accessible restroom
  • Safety measures implemented throughout the space
  • Easy-to-use furniture
  • Accessible signage
  • Crane for entering and exiting the sea
  • Trained staff
  • Accessible restrooms and showers
  • Support bars
  • Wetsuit with support for use

The image shows a two-story boat sailing on the sea. On the boat, people are enjoying the scenery. The landscape includes mountains and sandbanks, all under a clear sky that merges with the color of the sea. The image shows a panoramic view of a large area with buildings. Four very large buildings surrounded by vegetation, trees, and pools stand out, giving it the appearance of a residential area. More buildings can be seen on the sides.